Foods That Can Help To Prevent Gum Disease
Gum disease affects millions of Americans every year. Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease can cause serious inflammation of your gums, as well as damage to your bone surrounding your tooth. While tarter control toothpaste and anti-bacterial mouthwashes work … Continued
How Laser Surgery Works
Gum disease is a common dental problem that affects millions of Americans each year. It has been linked to many health problems including pancreatic cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and low birth weight children. With the advances in laser dentistry, non-invasive … Continued
Benefits of LANAP® vs. Traditional Surgery
Throughout the United States, millions of adults are currently suffering from some form of gum disease. Despite this truth, only a fraction of those individuals seek professional gum disease treatment. It seems evident that many people simply do not understand … Continued
Loose Dentures?
If your dentures are in a drawer because they just “don’t feel right,” or they are loose or make sore spots in your mouth, it’s time to see Dr. Roman Shlafer. Loose dentures can be a big problem as you … Continued
Why People Ignore Dental Health
Dental Health is an integral aspect of our overall health, however, we may not always give it the attention it deserves. Sometimes we are all guilty of not taking our oral health with the seriousness that it demands. By delaying … Continued
Ask Us About Holistic Dentistry
Holistic dentists (also known as “bio-compatible”, “biological” or “natural” dentists) consider the whole person (body, mind and spirit) and his or her lifestyle when recommending treatment. Dr. Shlafer understands the importance of a healthy immune system and utilizes treatment methods … Continued
What is Holistic Dentistry?
Think of it as “whole body dentistry.” Dr. Shlafer and our dental team view Holistic Dentistry as an approach or a mindset, where we believe that every procedure that we do (or don’t do) can have a profound effect on … Continued
Press and Media Videos
Using Laser to Treat Gum Disease FDA Cleared Laser Gum Disease Surgery Michael Douglas PSA Oral Cancer Symptoms Warning Signs and Dangers of Gum Disease Featured on The Doctors Whoopi Goldberg Segment on Oral Health and Gum Disease The Connection … Continued
Educational Dental Health Videos
How Gum Disease Bacteria Affects Health Gum Disease Gum Decay and Tooth Loss Bruxism, Teeth Grinding and a Sore Jaw DIAGNOdent Laser Technology Information on Bad Breath Oral Cancer Detection What is NTI? Intraoral Camera Equilibriation and Dental Bite Adjustment … Continued
Recognizing Gum Disease Symptoms
The health of your mouth reflects your overall health so when you notice your gums becoming inflamed or bleeding when you brush, be sure to make an appointment with us as soon as possible. These could be gum disease symptoms … Continued